Use 24-hour line call center line live chat
All the facilities created due to technological advancements have now touched all layers of human life, including the taxation sector. The 24-hour tax call center uses line live chat and is now available to help taxpayers handle complaints and advice.
The tax call center service in Indonesia is hereinafter called Kiring Baijak. Kiring Bajaj has been proven to increase the transparency of the DGT in providing information about taxation to the wider community.
This service format has gained a lot of trust from the public and is always believed when they have various questions about taxes. They don’t care about the information they receive or the personal information provided.
Kiring Bajak is an official service under the auspices of the Information and Complaints Service Office (KLIP) of the Directorate of Taxes. Therefore, when evaluating from all aspects of this service, there is no need to doubt its validity. You can freely discuss your taxation issues with the service officer.
There are various topics and issues that you can raise, from different types of taxes to illegal taxes. The clerk will provide answers and solutions to your tax problems. In addition, Kring Baijack provides your tax calculations accurately and accurately.
In fact, this service will help with your tax administration process. Anyone can access the 24-hour line call center using line live chat , which of course will make it easier for all line matters in Indonesia.
Live chat feature for lines
One of the menus provided by Kring Bajaj is the live chat feature. This live chat feature is a turning point made by DGT and it has provided a great innovation effect. This is because this feature will be very helpful to the community in submitting all complaints very easily.
Unlike a complaint website that takes a long time to respond to messages from the public, this live chat feature can instantly respond on the spot. The point is that you can send all the complaints and queries through this feature and get a response directly from the officer who is online.
The time to answer your complaints and queries won’t be long, because the live chat feature uses real-time technology such as the messaging feature on social media. The presence of this feature will certainly be very helpful for emergency communication between customers and authorities.
Because when the problem is urgent, the customer can’t wait. Since there is a 24-hour tax call centre using this line live chat, taxpayers do not hesitate to pay this mandatory tax.
The line live chat feature is actually inspired by similar features offered by startups and major websites. The graphic design that is comfortable for the eye and the simplicity of use make this feature a major choice compared to other types of services.
How to use the line live chat feature
Using the line live chat feature is very easy and can be used by anyone. You can take advantage of this feature to ask about tax terms, BaijaH rates and other complaints. How to use the live chat feature is step by step:
- Visit website
The first step you need to take to access the 24-hour line call center using line live chat is to d the byzag.go.i websited. This feature has the shape of a small dialog box on the bottom right of the screen. You can click on the box.
- Contact Line Gring WhatsApp Number
During the COVID-19 pandemic, all tax services were affected. This is because all direct services in the tax office are very limited and are closed due to health protocol policies.
While there is already a one-line gring service through call centers, online websites and live chat, not all of these features can accommodate all the tax needs of the Indonesian people. As a concept, DGT launched the Gring Baijak service via WhatsApp.
Services that use one of these messaging apps have a longer duration and have been proven to be very effective in meeting taxation requirements in Indonesia. The WhatsApp service has also been included in the category of live chat features from DGT.
- Running Time
In order to get a response in real-time, you need to pay attention to the operating hours of the service. Although it is predicted that it can serve 24 hours a day, it will not fully provide the full service for 24 hours.
This is because the operating hours of the 24-hour line call centre are only from 8 am to 4 pm using the line live chat through the website. The service through WhatsApp is only from 8 am to 8 pm.
You can stillsubmit questions and complaints outside of these hours, but they will be answered in operating hours. Beyond all that, you will still get an answer to any questions asked.
- Filling in the identity
Filling in your identity is an important feature when starting a live chat through the website or via WhatsApp. The reason is that this identification is very important to find information that you can question .
On the website, usually a column is provided by filling in personal data. In the meantime, if you are using WhatsApp, you will need to type in your personal data from the prepared form.
- Start chat
When an officer is ready to serve you, they will respond to a personal data message. When it comes, you can immediately make a complaint and everything you want to report.
Advantages of using the line live chat feature
In practice, the 24-hour line call center feature that uses this line live chat has many advantages and is very helpful compared to other types of line gring services. Here are the advantages:
- More cost-effective
The line live chat feature has proven to be much more cost-effective compared to line call center services using phone lines. This is of course because live chat uses the internet network to access it, while the phone requires a very expensive credit fee.
- fast
The officer’s response isusually faster if complaints are made via the website when I serve a live chat. Due to its real-time nature, so when there are queries from the taxpayer, the officer will respond to him immediately.
- Can be done while performing other actions
While contacting the line call centre via a telephone line will get a quick response, you should be in a position to be prepared and focused because you have spoken directly to the tax officer.
Unlike the 24-hour line call center feature, use line live chat. In addition to getting a quick response, you can also do other actions as well, as the system is only in the form of sending messages.
Legal Shadow Live Chat Feature
The line that enters the Tax Kring service is an official service developed by the Directorate of Taxes. The regulatory number of the Directorate of Legal Basic Taxes for this feature is: PER-02/PJ/2014 and PER-22/PJ/2014. Based on that, this line of live chat feature is legal.
The 24-hour line call center uses line live chat, which is a very effective service and helps many people take care of their tax needs.